Thursday, October 28, 2004

These desis are crazy....

Had been to a Patel restaurant in Palo Alto with a bengali guy from HP. The owners were a friendly couple, and the food was reasonably priced too, just that the owner refused to give a bill for the groceries bought...

The owner guy was intolerably garrulous, and it looked like his primary interest in life was collecting demographic info from the customers.

'Where are you from?' - Patel
'India' - me
'Arre bhai... where in india?' - Patel
'Madras' - me
'Calcutta' - Bong guy
'Where are u from?' - me
'I am an Indian!' - retorted the Patel, with a proud smile....
'Whatever part we are from, we are still Indians, arent we?' - Patel mama...
'Suno Kanta... Get some water.. fast...' - Patel.... for i had fainted....

Another incident involved the shuttle driver from the hotel where i was put up. First day of stay....

'Good morning... How are you?' - driver
'Fine. Thank you.. how are you?' - the solicitous me...
'Fine. thank you.. Where do you want to go?' - driver in thick spanish english.
Gave him the name and address of the company....
'So, my friend.. where are you from?' - driver.
'India' - me
'Oh, India.... Heard that its a very good place.. I know lots of people from India' - driver.
'Is it...very good...' - me
After a pregnant pause, the driver queried....
'Is India the same as Fiji'.....

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