Monday, July 31, 2006

Holy Crap

By all the gods that never existed, Titan has lakes.

Radar images taken by the Cassini spacecraft show liquid lakes, probably of liquid methane, shown as dark patches, on the surface of Titan, Saturn's largest moon

Awe-freaking-some. Truly awe-freaking-some!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

(11:47:09) Ishwar: telling you
(11:47:11) Ishwar: get married
(11:47:14) Ishwar: have kids
(11:47:18) Ishwar: have a good life
(11:47:26) Ishwar: idealogies aren't worth it
(11:47:34) Ishwar: beliefs don't matter
(11:48:02) Ishwar: ideologies are worth a little more than a flea on the dung round the corner
(11:48:07) Ishwar: seriously
(11:48:25) Ishwar: ideologies never make one happy
(11:48:33) Ishwar: and neither does reason
(11:49:39) Ishwar: seriously, when was the last time ideology made you *happy*?
(11:49:52) Ishwar: it gives you reason to smirk at others
(11:50:11) Ishwar: it gives you unadulterated elation
(11:53:45) Ishwar: wallow in irony
(11:54:07) Ishwar: gives you a certain screwed perspective of happiness

Snippets of an IM conversation.
Obviously edited to make it look like I had the last say.
Give me Maxwell's equations and give me sweet flaming death.
On second thoughts, I'd prefer capuccino.

Monday, July 24, 2006

The age of reason has come and gone
Like little discrete flecks of smell wafting out of the kitchen
Or a rotting carcass, if it'd please you
Not without a sign did it pass by you
Like a stranger in a strange land
Even when you painfully ignored its presence

And now, when it's your turn
to play the stranger, in a stranger land
Realising that you missed your dream boat
And live out your life
like a tortoise entomed by its shell
All you feel is a tiny jab on the ribs
You turn back, to find the age of reason.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

When I gaze at her, I understand masochism.
- Ishwar
I'm getting old. Here I am, lounging in a chair, committed to my present life right up to my ears and believing in nothing. And yet, I also wanted to set out for a Spain of mine. But it couldn't be fixe.d Are there many Spains?

I am here, absorbing the ancient taste of blood and iron-contaminated water; I am my own taste, I exist. That's what existence means: draining one's own self dry without the sense of thirst.

For twenty-five years, I've been sipping at myself an getting old. I have had my desires - cities, women; and now it's over.

- Jean Paul Satre.

Pretty much sums it all up.
My only peeve against Sartre's characters is that all of them are abstracted away beneath the labour of the other insignificances in the book.

Or probably, that's what is his best accomplishment. Is it?

Saturday, July 22, 2006

I can no longer enjoy anything in a simple way. Eating, drinking, or sleeping with women.

It's not the justification of these acts, but the acts themselves. These acts have started demanding being though through.
Slouching on the bean bag with the third mug of capuccino forming a trivial triangle(any three points do) around the white little squashed beans, I undertsood why people like having babies.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Mile sur mera tumhara

Undoubtedly one of the most successful clips aimed at national integration, next of course, to Mahabharat serial, pushes the history of gaboors rolling "r"s by as much as a decade.

Is rolling "r"s a culture symbol?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A week after Nawaz Sheriff proclaimed that Pakistan had nuclear warheads ready to be deployed during the Kargil War, terror strikes Bombay.

Was this a really well-staged deterrant hyperbole?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

How to use a lift, and more importantly, how not to

Common myths surrounding the lift:

1. Calling *all possible lifts* to your floor instead of calling just
that lift that's closest to your floor and/or moving in the required
direction does *NOT* reduce your average waiting time. If any, it
increases the average waiting time, and leads to *much* annoyance to
others who use the lift.

2. Lifts already use the elevator algorithm[1]. (hehe) And even though
the lifts on the left and on the right aren't co-ordinated, a little bit
of logic will go a long way  in reducing waiting time for others.

Imagine the scenario where everybody on all floors call both the lifts
to their floor and take just one. The other lift has to stop at every
floor even if there isn't anybody to carry.

Agreed,this works out to be the normal scenario during rush hours when
there are always people to carry. But please, let the lift decide that!


Mood: Very very annoyed.

A brief history of dinosaurs in media

Did you know that
  1. The first movie to features dinosaurs was The Prehistoric man?
  2. The animal featured in Journey to the centre of the earth by Jules Verne was not a dinosaur, but a dimetrodon?
  3. Megalosaurus, the first ever dinosaur to be described was initialy named Scrotum Humanum, based on its similar appearance to human testicles.

    The image shows why!

More such trivial here. Contains a chronological list of every dramatic dinosaur movie ever made with amazing and unique anotations and insights that only the addled brains of The Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette's cadre of astonishing (and astonished) scribes could concoct.

Have fun :)

P.S: BTW, Scrotum Humanum looked something like this:


A brief history of dinosaurs in media

Did you know that
  1. The first movie to features dinosaurs was The Prehistoric man?
  2. The animal featured in Journey to the centre of the earth by Jules Verne was not a dinosaur, but a dimetrodon?
  3. Megalosaurus, the first ever dinosaur to be described was initialy named Scrotum Humanum, based on its similar appearance to human testicles.

    The image shows why!

More such trivial here. Contains a chronological list of every dramatic dinosaur movie ever made with amazing and unique anotations and insights that only the addled brains of The Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette's cadre of astonishing (and astonished) scribes could concoct.

Have fun :)

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I forgot why I stopped smoking.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Pot and god

I don't believe in god, and I don't believe that such a thing as god exists (Yes, these are two separate beliefs). But even if s/he/it did, it doesn't change my scheme of things. In fact, I'd think that god should've been incredibly dumb to, for example, design a human body in his image, like this.

C'mon. If I were omni*, a sucky biped mammalian plantigrade uncool body wouldn't have been chosen for my living quarters. What joy would a unremarkable eye-sight, unimpressive sense of smell and an ignorable sense of hearing, with a huge head that most people conveniently don't use bring to an uber-powerful being? What about those sexy infra-red imaging, like those that predator has? And a very many other things too.

All ye non-anthropomorphic-god-religion-people, no reason to rejoice.

This would be the right moment for you ask What's wrong with you?. Well, a lot of things, to begin with. I've wanted to smoke pot and haven't been able to get my hands on it for the past quarter century. My ipod stopped working and my landlord thinks I'm morally destitute.

Absolutely usless trivia - 1,473

Wingfingers, as pterosaurs[1] are referred to in Robert J. Sawyer's Qunintaglo Ascension trilogy, translates to Chiroptera - bats.

Pterosaurs should've been winged lizards.

[1]: See the image above.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

It's funny sometimes when you go romping around the room naked, in anticipation of the action, or when you are in bed, happily humping and squealing, and when you think of how funny the process is - tweaking her clit, humping and kissing.

Update: Futility changed to being funny after a certain blogger expressed strong protest against the futility of it all :)

To be more specific, the complete obsession on details is what is amusing. For example, a clit is a clit. It's not an abstraction, but the whole entity in itself. There are times when one feels one is making out with the clit and not with the person. It's imposing. Amazing, but imposing, in much the same way as being on Mars is.

Abstraction has its beauty.

Hawking's cameo on Yahoo! Answers

Stephen hawking asks for people's views on what they think that humanity should do to survive the next hundred years.

Have fun!

Monday, July 03, 2006

The recent Sabarimalai controversy, specifically people's reaction to the episode shattered all my assumptions that the online community is a little more liberal than the offline community.

I couldn't have been wronger. It's a bloody Visu's Aratti arangam out there...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Why does evolution and creationism have to be mutually exclusive?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions on Yahoo! Answers, the highly addictive knowledge search portal.

About a week back, I started off an email debate between evolution and creationism. It would've been a healthy argument had it not been for the stubborn single-minded opinions of the other person who just refused to hear what you have to say and insists that he is right.

Pls. read the comments of a certain "smiling4ever222" for this question. Every single line in his argument can be countered by my three-year old nephew.

After a week of patience, his comments made me blow my top.

Damn all illogical people.