Friday, July 07, 2006

Pot and god

I don't believe in god, and I don't believe that such a thing as god exists (Yes, these are two separate beliefs). But even if s/he/it did, it doesn't change my scheme of things. In fact, I'd think that god should've been incredibly dumb to, for example, design a human body in his image, like this.

C'mon. If I were omni*, a sucky biped mammalian plantigrade uncool body wouldn't have been chosen for my living quarters. What joy would a unremarkable eye-sight, unimpressive sense of smell and an ignorable sense of hearing, with a huge head that most people conveniently don't use bring to an uber-powerful being? What about those sexy infra-red imaging, like those that predator has? And a very many other things too.

All ye non-anthropomorphic-god-religion-people, no reason to rejoice.

This would be the right moment for you ask What's wrong with you?. Well, a lot of things, to begin with. I've wanted to smoke pot and haven't been able to get my hands on it for the past quarter century. My ipod stopped working and my landlord thinks I'm morally destitute.

1 comment:

Sundar said...

What joy would a unremarkable eye-sight, unimpressive sense of smell and an ignorable sense of hearing, ...
Isn't there joy in being singularly aware of these limitations, some sort of breaking a sub-Godelian world? And blog too about that, ... in inventive language? I've never liked myself to believe in anything singular (that too singularly superior) about humans thanks to my childhood exposure to a variety of flora and fauna. Even after I came to understand the phylogenetic increase in complexity, I've been more of a gradualist than a believer of punctuated evolution. But, your constant diatribes against mammals and humans make me defensive about them.