Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Suddenly one more randomness

Planning to finish this before my laptop boots up. so, have to hurry...

I was rebooting my laptop, when all of a sudden this eerie feeling came over me - i felt like a laptop, or rather thinking of how does it feel to be a laptop. I forced myself to believe that i believe in fate, and indeed there i was, feeling like a laptop - right from being booted up by somebody, having no freedom to do anything on my own, doing what i am programmed to do by the "God" above, and worst of all, being blamed for what i am not responsible...

Well, if everything that i do is decided before hand, destined, pre-written or whatever, why should i be punished if i do something wrong and rewarded when i do something right - cos i dont decide what i do. whatever action i do, i do it because i cant do anything else - punsh the person who wrote this, not me. and instead of punishing, that guy is being worshipped - just doesnt make sense.

with this thought, i already feel like a laptop, getting blamed for deleting a file that somebody else programmed me to delete.

Oh, and meanwhile my laptop has booted up. have to increase typing speed..back to laptopping...


sanjeeth said...

Why feel like a laptop. Feel like our desknotes. You will feel "unique".

Ambar said...

Doesn't sound too bad..If the owner were to be a pretty young thing :D