Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Practical hypocrisy

Citizen Kane left me feeling cold, stunned and for a little while, frightened and enlightened. Kane's inability to truly love anyboy except in his own terms sounded very very very familiar.

I was reminded of a conversation that I had with my friend a few months back on what I'd call practical hypocrisy. I was doing what I do best - blasting stereotypical tambrams and their capillary-mindedness and we came to a rather interesting point on how anonymity plays an important role in supporting liberal candidates in a strongly conservative society.

This led to a discussion on what is called practical hypocrisy. I am of the opinion that if you don't speak what you think, it was hypocrisy, and he was of the opinion that it wasn't. Rather, if you don't believe in what you think you believe, that is hypocrisy - was his point.

To clarify things, lets take a very sensitive topic- say, incest. Yes, taboo on incest has a biologically sound reason, a very sound reason indeed. But, this is under the assumption that you have sex just to procreate, or that you don't use contraceptives. But now, when you have protection and people have sex just for fun, I don't see anything wrong with the concept of incest. But years of social indoctrination has made me unattracted to people I am related to.

To not say publicly that I don't believe that incest is wrong wouldn't amount to hypocrisy, but proclaiming that it is a despicable act certainly amounts to hypocrisy.

But, my friend thinks otherwise. According to him, as long as you know what you believe in, it isn't hypocrisy. You need to maintain an acceptable social image to survive well in the society and not die as a lonely old man. Makes sense to me. But having taken a path, one shouldn't be reluctant to take on the pains that come with it.

Pointless post, I know.


Shalz Nair said...

i Dont think that this post was pointless .....and moreover you are free to write whatever you wish to in your own blog even if it turns out to be "pointless". Ya ya ....... I know you already knew this !!

Interesting how different people have different opinion and different views about a common topic..........and whats more interesting is how they reason it.... you cannot help but agree to both the views.

According to me, If you believe in what you think you believe and still choose not to speak what you think,could also be hypocrisy !! I was just summing up both you and your friend's opinion, which in a way makes sense too !!! Confusing ?? Nah its not !!

Pointless comment......i guess !!! :)

Ishwar said...

shals, seeing the world in different shades of gray is ok, but what happens if you see everything in the same shade of light gray?

P.S: whoa, i got threat mails :)

Nilu said...

welcome to the club.....and who?