Friday, June 10, 2005

A lot of blogs that I read have become such puke fests, but i still visit them for the simple reason that it gives me a kick. A number of people who i used to respect at certain points in time have fallen into the intolerable category, thanks to their blogs.


anantha said...


Vivek Venugopal B said...

Just because the blogs of others don't match your thinking does not mean that they are not worth respecting. They have their views and so do you. Respec t comes from the deeds of a person in his/her life and his/her attitude towards other people and their ability to overcome so called 'bad' thoughts.

Ishwar said...

@vivek: to me, respect does not come from his/her deeds, but only from how they think.

@vivek: This wasn't directed at ur blog. seriously... its on u know who ;)